Sep 10, 2023WSSC FY ’25 Capital Budget Hearing Testimony- Commission, 9/7/2023Testimony presented by Gordie Brenne, Montgomery County Taxpayers League We know you hear from a lot of customers about increased water...
Sep 4, 2023September 2023: Montgomery County Civic FederationThe September issue of the Montgomery County Civic Federation, Civic Federation News, features an article written by Gordie Brenne,...
Sep 4, 2023Opinion: How to break down MCPS barriers to academic proficiencyIn August of 2023, Gordie Breene had an opinion piece featured on MoCo 360 on how to break down MCPS barriers to academic proficiency. To...
Mar 31, 2020Taxpayers League Written Testimony County FY 2021 Budget - April, 2020The FY21 budget request calls for a 3.1% supplemental property tax increase, but very little in the way of cost-control, actions to...
Dec 10, 2019MC Taxpayers Education report released Read this comprehensive report with implementable recommendations for MC education system.
Oct 2, 2019Housing Impact Fairness Act Dec. 2019 Testimony on proposed BillThe Taxpayers League is committed to tax fairness. This includes supporting efforts to better capture the value of property improvements.
Sep 12, 2019Taxpayers League Critical of WSSC’s Financial Evaluation of Capital ProjectsWSSC CIP Plan Testimony, Sept. 4, 2019, Gordie Brenne, MC Taxpayers League