Oct 7, 2023Recording of Meeting with CM Kate StewartTo view the recording of the Montgomery County Taxpayers’ League Zoom meeting with CM Kate Stewart from 10/2/23, please use the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ylgJXsuQoQrFCz3VJunPyC6RgE17fqm7CblNq5k6q5ly7OWLipCXBJdK9dcrpw5s.c7iKHeZ3TzguOV_a
To view the recording of the Montgomery County Taxpayers’ League Zoom meeting with CM Kate Stewart from 10/2/23, please use the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ylgJXsuQoQrFCz3VJunPyC6RgE17fqm7CblNq5k6q5ly7OWLipCXBJdK9dcrpw5s.c7iKHeZ3TzguOV_a